Intuitive Eating Resources

Intuitive Eater Unlocked -Ā A 4-Part Self-Paced Course
Learn how to acknowledge your existing eating behaviors, beliefs & rules so you can make actionable change that you can feel.
Get in touch with your hunger & fullness cues from your body instead of relying on calorie-counters to tell you how much to eat in a day. In this 4-part training, you'll work through emotional eating, hunger & fullness cues and more.

FREE Intuitive Eating JournalĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā
New to intuitive eating? Start here! I'll guide you through a simple exercise involving a an intuitive eating food journal to bring awareness to your patterns & behaviors that you can further dig into.Ā
This is the perfect place to start for anyone who is ready to ditch diet culture.

Feel in Control Around Food Without Rules -Ā 60-min Workshop
You've been taught by the world around you to fear certain foods and that impacts your relationship to them. Maybe there are foods you feel out of control around? Foods you feel like you can't keep in the house? Foods you only eat on the weekends?
This worksheet is going to take you through a four-step process for how to break the food rules you have and trust yourself so you don't have to feel chaotic around food anymore.